Our mission is essentially quite simple ~ improving and maintaining abundant health through the natural, God-given means of using essential oils. While such a mission may indeed sound simple, unfortunately it can be quite daunting at times!
It seems that everyone is faced with their own unique set of health problems (whether serious or slight) and finding the right “remedy” for each set of issues can be incredibly time consuming and frustrating.
Over the years, our family has tried countless different natural and homeopathic remedies, always with various results and effectiveness. In the last couple of years, our search for effective, reliable natural alternatives to conventional medicine has led us to examine and experiment with essential oils. And wow, are we discovering amazing things!
We are excited that not only have we heard wonderful and inspiring testimonies of what these essential oils can do, but we’ve also experienced the benefit of their abundant God-given healing properties ourselves! We have seen (and are continuing to experience) wonderful results using these rich tools that our heavenly Father created for us in His great bounty and wisdom.
While we are not essential oil experts, by any means, our desire is to encourage and share with you our own experiences and tips as you delve into the wonderful store of “medicines” that have been provided for us from the dawn of creation.
So come and learn with us!